Residence Zwaaneveld

Reconstruction and extension of private residence

The assignment was to enlarge the dining room of this 1930s residence. Because the desired location for the expansion is situated adjacent to public space, the privacy of the occupants was to be taken into consideration too.

The shape of the extension fits in with the original bay windows in the area. To achieve a maximum contrast with the existing, carefully detailed window the façade of the new addition has been clad in titanium-zinc. The windows, which have been detailed as elongated perforations, to ensure a well-dosed incidence of light and the desired privacy.

ArchitectRuland Architecten, Amsterdam
ConstructorAdviesburo Köhler, Amsterdam
ContractorBouwbedrijf Kuijl b.v., Amsterdam
PhotographyF. Keuzekamp, Pijnacker

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